Developer Factory

[jQuery] 시작 - Core - 본문


[jQuery] 시작 - Core -

Jeremy.Park 2014. 6. 24. 10:01

JQuery 쓰는 이유?

1. Cross Browsing
=> 브라우저에 상관없이 동일한 결과를 얻을 수 있다.
2. 코딩이 간결해 진다. => 다운로드 페이지 

jQuery 1.x

The jQuery 1.x line had major changes as of jQuery 1.9.0. We strongly recommend that you also use the jQuery Migrate plugin if you are upgrading from pre-1.9 versions of jQuery or need to use plugins that haven't yet been updated. Read the jQuery 1.9 Upgrade Guide and thejQuery 1.9 release blog post for more information.

Download the compressed, production jQuery 1.11.0

Download the uncompressed, development jQuery 1.11.0

* JavaScript 의 압축의 의미
- 공백 제거, 주석제거, 변수명 간략화
- 개발 완료 후 실제 운영시에 사용.
- 개발시 디버그가 어렵다. (자바스크립트 압축)

* CDN (C ontents D elivery N etwork)

Other CDNs

The following CDNs also host compressed and uncompressed versions of jQuery releases. Starting with jQuery 1.9 they may also hostsourcemap files; check the site's documentation.

Note that there may be delays between a jQuery release and its availability there. Please be patient, they receive the files at the same time the blog post is made public. Beta and release candidates are not hosted by these CDNs.
